Thank you for this!! Also, can you please remind me of the app many of your students have used to learn or improve their Greek?

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https://scripturial.com is also helpful 👍

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Very helpful! I know you’re New Testament scholar, but I wish someone would do this for studying biblical Hebrew.

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Whose views on verbal aspect do you most closely align with? Some of these materials have very different approaches to the issue. Since you teach using Croy, am I correct to assume you hold a traditional view of the Greek verbal system?

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I'd recommend Learning Koine Greek as a continuing resource by Rodney Decker. It is an unusually fun and breezy textbook and also resources students past year 1 into year 2+.

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. . . a concise version of BDAG, hahaha!

(Actually, this is a very good list. I didn't personally study under Wallace, but I had one of his students who is the best language instructor I've ever had and I've had a few . . .)

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