May 29Liked by Nijay K. Gupta

Nice. I like it. Especially the comments. I’d never thought of James revealing an antisemitic bias.

I’ve often wrestled with some way of describing Jesus’s role / authority for secular, egalitarian, and individualistic people. “Ruler” works better than Lord and much better than King, and yet… it’s a hard one. Much like “gospel,” it probably takes a conversation and digging through scripture to refill Jesus’s title with meaning.

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“Turning…upside down: The verb here (metastrepho) is a very strong action, not just of twisting or perverting, but turning something into its opposite (see LXX Amos 8:10).”

This verb could be applied to what misogyny and patriarchy have done to humanity. I am thinking of Christine Forner’s proposal that misogyny is phobia and disdaining for human nurturing, and patriarchy is best understood as a world run by psychopaths for psychopaths.

See here— https://www.thetraumatherapistproject.com/podcast/misogyny-and-trauma-with-christine-forner

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May 29Liked by Nijay K. Gupta

Thank you for sharing your translation of Galatians with us. I have many English translations of the Bible but I enjoy reading translations by individual scholars whose podcast and writing I learn from.

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Great note on Jacob. Fresh read. Looking forward to the next!

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I enjoyed reading the translation notes and especially appreciate (and favor) your choice of "Christian family" in the greeting of vs. 2. Thanks for sharing this.

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