Affections Book Launch in Portland!
ETS PNW Regional Conference Keynote Lectures (Feb 22, 2025)
I am excited to announce that I will be giving the keynote lectures on my new Affections book at the upcoming ETS Pacific Northwest Regional Meeting, Saturday Feb 22, 2025. This is only (2) days after the book releases officially, so this doubles as a book launch event for me. Very excited to share my research.
Registration is $15 ($10 for students) before Feb 19, $20 at the door.
Since this is a regional event, it will not be live-streamed.
I will be giving two (1) hour lectures, a general introduction to my argument in the book, and then (2) a discussion of how love is both an emotion and an action for Paul; I will be bringing St. Augustine into dialogue with modern emotion theorists, and then looking at some Pauline texts.
A couple more fun things:
Amazon released my book early, so you can actually get it right now. Excited to see it is currently #1 on Amazon in the area of New Testament studies!
#2: If you want to get a taste of the book, check out my interview with Jason over at RING THEM BELLS. We got deep into biblical theology and why we have to recover the gospel’s focus on love especially in the hostile era we live in culturally today!
I have my copy sitting at my home desk